Sunday, November 30, 2008

Be thankful for family and friends, besides a nice suit, they are all you'll have at the funeral.

Thanksgiving has reminded me that I need to be thankful for the blessings God has given me and grateful for the opportunities I have. I will attempt to cultivate thankfulness by listing things that are worthy of thanks.

General things I am thankful for:
1. God, who loves me and saves me.
2. My wife, who loves me and completes me.
3. My daughter, who is learning every day.
4. My son, who sees the world the way he sees the world.
5. America, the land of opportunity and freedom.
6. Our cat, who gives dogs lots of reasons to feel superior.
7. Our dogs, who are somewhat happy to see me when I arrive home.
8. God's nature, the beauty and variety make life enjoyable and gives endless opportunities to learn.
9. My job. It pays the bills and gives purpose to life.
10. Weather, which comes every day without my having any say in what it will be. I can only observe and report.