Monday, May 18, 2009


I see I haven't been very thankful lately. Actually I have been thankful for many blessings, I just have been lazy and haven't recorded them here. Today is a new day that the Lord has given me, I will attempt to listen to His voice and learn His lessons. There are many distractions and I am not noted for my focus, so God's Spirit will need to give me the ability to concentrate on Him and His voice.

5 things God has done for me lately -
  1. Gave me a Sunday at home to do yard work.
  2. Increased my memorization abilities as I try to memorize portions of Jeremiah.
  3. Helped me maintain my patience as work gets insane at times.
  4. Filled our fruit trees with fruit.
  5. Rained peaceful rains and not severe storms on our spot of land.