Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank you to all veterans

I am thankful for the veterans who have served honorably in the armed forces of the United States of America. The men and women who have sacrificed so much to preserve freedom for my family are greatly appreciated. I do not pretend to understand the feelings that they had as they became part of the military and stood in the face of hardships and before enemies both within and from afar. Many sacrificed their body, spirit, and too many even their life to preserve the freedom of our great land. Their families also sacrificed much as they watched their loved ones go into harms way, without a sure knowledge of the results of the hardships endured. While we are grateful for the majority who returned home after their time of service and contributed so much to the strengthening and building of our homeland, we especially honor those who never returned or who returned broken in body or spirit. I hope that I will never forget the service they rendered to me and that I will always be thankful for each one who did so much to preserve freedom in the United States and around the world, so that a better life is within the reach of all.

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